What is the best musical instrument? A piano on the back of a truck? Steel drums on a Caribbean cruise? A tuba at Oktoberfest? Moisten your reed, empty your spit valve, and get ready for The Habit to draft THE BEST MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, and special guest star, Jonathan […]
Ryan Dobosh
Ep 0059: Camping Activities

Swimming? Hiking? Drinking? What IS the best thing to do while camping? First of all… great question. Get cozy in your hammock and listen to The Habit draft THE BEST CAMPING ACTIVITIES. Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, and special guest star, Jonathan Taylor Thomas. If you say so. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate and review […]
Ep 0058: Convenience Store Items

Hurry! Pop in to the convenience store. You’ve got 90 seconds. What are you getting? Candy? Condoms? Scratchers for grandpa? The Habit Comedy Podcasts drafts the best items to purchase at your local convenience store. Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, and special guest star, Jonathan Taylor Thomas. If you say so. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please […]
Ep 0057: Titles

The title says it all! This episode is all about the best “Honorifics,” a.k.a. Titles. Ladies and Gentlemen… Lords and Ladies… What is the best title? Find out in an all new episode of The Habit Comedy Podcast. But most importantly… what are parties like? Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, and special guest […]
Ep 0056: Food at a BBQ

Who wants cheese? Break out the briquettes and bring your favorite “salad” as The Habit Comedy Podcast invites you over for a backyard cookout when they draft the BEST FOOD AT A BBQ. No seafood. BYOB. Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, and special guest grillmaster, Jonathan Taylor Thomas. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate and review […]
Ep 0055: Greetings

Greetings and Salutations! Helllooooo!? Yo yo yo. Find out what exactly *IS* up as The Habit Comedy Podcast drafts THE BEST GREETINGS. Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, and special guest star Jonathan Taylor Thomas. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate and review us on iTunes and Spotify. If you don’t, the terrorists have a 10 point lead going […]
Ep 0054: Fairy Tales

Why is every Fairy Tale about eating children? What is Goldilocks’ problem anyway? And who can’t forget the timeless Fairy Tale of Armageddon, starring Bruce Willis. The Habit leaves a trail of bread crumbs straight to these answers and much more, as they draft BEST FAIRY TALES. Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, and […]
Ep 0053: Urban Myths

Who REALLY shot JFK? Would LIBRARY 51 be less mysterious? What is Bigfoot’s best sport? The Habit Comedy Podcasts goes deep underground to uncover the hidden truths behind the world’s best kept conspiracies and legends as they draft THE BEST URBAN MYTHS. Only listen from a safe place. Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, […]
Ep 0052: Ice Cream

I scream. You scream. We all scream when the Habit serves up a tasty new episode as they draft THE BEST ICE CREAM. Is plain chocolate ice cream garbage? How much chewing is too much? Does anybody really want a cherry on top? Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, and special guest star Jonathan […]
Ep 0051: Pet Peeves

What REALLY annoys you? Inefficiency? Selfishness? Racism? The Habit digs deep into the human psyche to share their biggest gripes as they draft THE BEST PET PEEVES. Trigger warning: Increasingly Drunk Ryan. Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, and special guest star Jonathan Taylor Thomas. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate and review us on iTunes and Spotify. If […]
Ep 0050: Hours of the Day

Here we go — it’s Zero hour for an all new Habit Comedy Podcast as they draft the best Hours of the Day. What’s your favorite time? Is Happy Hour all that great? When is the best time for a duel? No matter what time of day it is for you, find out now. Featuring […]
Ep 0049: School Supplies

Stop. Put your pencils down… it’s an all new episode of The Habit Comedy Podcast, in which we draft the best SCHOOL SUPPLIES. What exactly is a Trapper Keeper trapping and keeping? Can erasers suck it? What is better — a mechanical pencil or mechanical bull? Listen to find out. Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, […]
Ep 0048: Punctuation

You’ve never heard of an iterrobang?! Then what do *YOU* think is the best punctuation? And what makes the comma so versatile? You bet we find out in this (all new) episode! [Inserts airpods.] Including, but not limited to: try hard curly brackets; arrogant semi-colons; Tulane commas*; etc… #Hashtag Featuring Ryan/Dobosh, David_Swidler, Jeff @ Schell, […]
Ep 0047: Pants

Keep your pants on! An all new-episode is here, featuring THE BEST PANTS. What makes good pants? What exactly is “athleisure?” Would you wear a kilt? Dave, Ryan, and Jeff show you who really wears the pants. Special guest appearance by Jonathan Taylor Thomas. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate and review us on iTunes and Spotify. If you don’t, […]
Ep 0046: The Muppets

What makes a good Muppet? Does Sesame Street count? How do you rate streetwise stoop bum Oscar the Grouch? The Habit drafts the very best Muppets. Featuring David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, Lucas Thayer, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by Jonathan Taylor Thomas. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate and review us on iTunes and Spotify. If you don’t, the […]
Ep 0044: Inventions

What are the best inventions in the history of mankind? What makes a good invention? Which inventions have withstood the test of time? These all would have been good things for us to discuss. Pity. Oh well. At least you can hear about yellow first down markers and blow jobs. Featuring Mark Siano, Ryan Dobosh, […]
Ep 0043: Tom Hanks Movies

America’s favorite podcast drafts movies by America’s favorite dad, Tom Hanks.
Ep 0042: Weather Phenomena

Come for the correct Latin grammar. Stay for the mildly upsetting picks. Ryan is an agent of chaos. Jeff wants the indoors but outdoors. Dave vows to avoid talking about Seattle weather.
Ep 0041: One Name Celebrities

Does Prince actually have a last name? Would you take a selfie with Oprah? What in God’s name (literally) makes a one-name celebrity? The boys of The Habit answer these questions, to name a few, as they draft their ultimate team of One Name Celebrities.
Ep 0039: Body Parts [Ep 0003 Rebroadcast]

During our Quadrennial World Cup Hiatus™, The Fantasy Draft Podcast takes you back to a classic episode from Season 1, The Best Body Parts. This episode is the very first appearance of Lil’ Davy Wet Pants, as well as the origin story of several Ryan nicknames.
Featuring David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0038: Mythical Creatures [Ep 0013 Rebroadcast]

With the World Cup in full swing and no new episode to show for it, Jeff and Ryan stop by to say hi, and introduce a special (lazy) rebroadcast of a favorite episode of The Fantasy Draft Podcast, The Best Mythical Creatures.
Featuring Mark Siano, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0037: Cartoon Dads

In honor of Father’s Day, The Fantasy Draft Podcast drafts The Best Cartoon Dads, from television or film.
Featuring Lucas Thayer, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0036: Songs of the 90s

Which songs best typified the 1990s? Which albums have stood the test of time? The Fantasy Draft Podcast takes you back 28 years to draft The Best Songs of the 90s.
Featuring Lucas Thayer, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0035: Best Things About Summer

This Memorial Day, The Fantasy Draft Podcast kicks off the unofficial official start of summer by drafting The Best Things About Summer.
Featuring David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0030: Excuses

Got too drunk? Family Emergency? Dog ate your homework? Find out how to get out of, or apologize for, any situation with The Fantasy Draft Podcast as they draft the Best Excuses.
Featuring David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0029: Chores

Is it garbage day? Time to do the dishes? Pop in some earbuds and let the The Fantasy Draft Podcast take your mind off the task at hand, as we draft the best CHORES. Tip: spell out the alphabet while sweeping, it’ll go faster.
Feautring Lucas Thayer, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0028: Dinosaurs

David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell draft the best Dinosaurs in a very special episode of The Fantasy Draft Podcast. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold and the feathered Doboshaurus.
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Ep 0027: Beverages

David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell draft the best drinks in this week’s episode of The Fantasy Draft Podcast. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold and Sam’s pink eye.
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Ep 0026: Game Shows

David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell chime-in to answer the question, “what are the best game shows,” in this week’s episode of The Fantasy Draft Podcast. Special guest appearance by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0025: Sandwiches

David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell christen Season 2 of The Fantasy Draft Podcast with a tasty Sandwich draft. Special guest appearance by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0024: Thanksgiving Side Dishes

Finally! Something worth debating with your racist uncle: The Best Side-Dishes of Thanksgiving. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0023: Halloween Candy

It’s a Halloween Day Miracle! A new episode from America’s Favorite Fantasy Draft. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0022: Desserts

It’s The Habit’s Season One Finale! Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, and Jeff Schell treat you to a delicious Desserts Fantasy Draft. Cake? Pie? Ice Cream? There can be only one, Highlander. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0021: Cheese

Can you name the best cheese? Ryan Dobosh, Mark Siano, and Jeff Schell stink up the joint with a very cheesy episode. Mark munches on Brie rind. Ryan cruises the neighborhood with his shirt off. Jeff has the food palate of a five-year-old. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0020: Kitchen Utensils

Which is the most invaluable kitchen utensil? Or is it valuable? David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell draft everything but the kitchen sink in this week’s draft. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams. Sponsored by GlorifiedRugby.com.
[Rebroadcast] EP 0006: Super Powers Fantasy Draft

David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell draft and rank the best super powers. Jeff finds himself crouched in the corner of a room, coated in baby powder. Ryan shape shifts into an animal that sits atop domed stadiums. Dave stumbles into telekinesis while controlling Seattle’s weather from his futon. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0019: Ways To Get Stoned

Bong, spliff, pipe, gummies, or vaping? Mark, Ryan and Jeff hash out the best way to get stoned. Jeff weeds out anything combustible. Ryan’s hand-held vaporizer goes to pot. Mark is blunt with his mom. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0018: Fruit Fantasy Draft

Which fruit is top banana? David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell put their melons together and literally compare apples and oranges. Ryan doesn’t give a fig about Jeff’s new scale. David thinks watermelon rinds are plum. Jeff finds himself in a real pickle over best artificial fruit flavor. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0017: Hats Fantasy Draft

Put your thinking cap on: what are the best hats? Lucas Thayer, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell try for a hat trick with their trio of picks. Lucas gets a bee in his bonnet over the draft rules. Ryan can’t keep his OJ Simpson news under his hat. Jeff tips his hat to the beaver trappers of Frontier America.
Ep 0016: Road Sign Fantasy Draft

STOP! WRONG WAY! DO NOT ENTER! Signs, signs. Everywhere a sign. But which ones are the best? Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, and Jeff Schell navigate this topic to determine the nation’s top road signs . Ryan experiences the existential angst of l’appel du vide. Dave does carpool karaoke with Vanessa Carlton. Jeff regails with a totally-not-boring history of road sign typefaces. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0015: Modes of Transportation Fantasy Draft

I’m on a boat! No wait. I’m on a space shuttle! No wait… What’s the best mode of transportation? The Habit tackles this tricky transportation topic. David Swidler gets a job announcing women’s volleyball. Ryan Dobosh dreams of Space Camp. Jeff Schell fires shots at blimps. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0014: Breakfast Cereal Mascot Fantasy Draft

Tony the Tiger. Sugar Bear. The Trix Rabbit. What do the best cereals all have in common? (Besides causing early onset obesity.) Jeff Schell, Ryan Dobosh, and Mark Siano salute Cap’n Crunch and his fellow Cereal Mascots. Ryan gives Yelp one star. Jeff weighs-in on cannonballs vs jackknives. Mark dances around his first time getting stoned. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0013: Mythical Creatures Fantasy Draft

Are unicorns racist? Can mermaids be fish-top-woman-bottom? A Mythical Creatures Draft of epic proportions hosted by the three-headed beast of Mark Siano, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Ryan shares his tips for seducing moms. Jeff transforms into a Centaur for HILF Volumes 1 – 3. Mark exposes the global conspiracy behind Narwhals. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0011: Alphabet Fantasy Draft

Which letters of the alphabet make the grade? Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, and Jeff Schell debate their ABCs. Ryan struggles to transition from Truck Friend to Truck Guy. Jeff’s research doesn’t win him any friends. Dave opens a drug store on Paradise Island. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0010: Condiments Fantasy Draft

Is ketchup with mac ‘n cheese a sin or sinfully delicious? What pairs best with french fries? Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, and Jeff Schell answer these centuries-old questions as they draft their favorite condiments. Ryan reveals his hidden hot dog shame. David refuses to try your seafood, no matter what you claim it tastes like. Jeff welcomes our benevolent Heinz Overlords. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0009: States Fantasy Draft

Which states are the best? Dave, Ryan, and Jeff tackle this polarizing question, and debate whether there are enough worthy states to fill a Top Ten list. Jeff learns a tiger can’t change its spots. Dave reveals a secret affair with Sunset Magazine. Ryan recalls his first fake ID and his passion for both boozing and cruising. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0008.5: Bonus Clip

The Habit boys took a week off from recording to celebrate Mother’s Day. They’ll be back next week. In the meantime, please enjoy this NSFM (not safe for moms) bonus clip. Special bonus appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0008: Ways To Die Fantasy Draft

Who says Death should get the final laugh? Mark Siano, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell mine humor from natural disasters, plane crashes, and being literally surrounded by loved ones as you pass away. Mark opines the romantic ideals of coughing up blood. Jeff prefers a naked death over pain. Ryan donates his organs to sharks. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0007: Board Games Fantasy Draft

Ryan Dobosh and Jeff Schell match wits as they debate the relative merits of classic board games Chess, Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk, Battleship, and more. Jeff pulls a real Apples to Apples move by deferring first pick. Ryan throws shade at Settlers of Catan. Jeff and your Grandmother get along fabulously. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0006: Super Powers Fantasy Draft

David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell draft and rank the best super powers. Jeff finds himself crouched in the corner of a room, coated in baby powder. Ryan shape shifts into an animal that sits atop domed stadiums. Dave stumbles into telekinesis while controlling Seattle’s weather from his futon. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0005: Holidays Fantasy Draft

David Swidler, Mark Siano, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell draft and rank the best Holidays. The Irish and the entire season of Spring get caught in the crossfire. Jeff is is assailed for his mirth-depleting Eight-Point Holiday Scale. Mark and Dave have difficulty naming more than two holidays. Ryan requests Saint Valentine to suck it. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.
Ep 0004: Breakfast Food Fantasy Draft

Lucas Thayer, John Osebold, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell debate the best breakfast foods, and entangle themselves in the age old “pancakes vs waffles” debate, while collectively try to understand chicken-fried steak. Jeff unleashes his daddy issues. Ryan is offended by cottage cheese. Luke treats us to an amazing dog impression. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.